
Showing posts from March, 2018

Myths about Wind Power

With the power of saving the environment from apparent decline, comes the responsibility of proving the naysayers wrong. That is exactly what all the sustainable energy alternative companies are thinking. With the depletion of the world’s natural resources like coal and petroleum which were the usual choices for generating energy and powering various essential parts of our lives, the world turned to other resources that could sustain its lifestyle without compromising the environment. While different sources like solar energy, wind energy and hydropower have made up for the shortcomings that the fossil fuels are facing, there are still a lot of myths that make them look undesirable and unreliable. Wind energy especially has been questioned about its infrastructure, noise levels and its overall impact on the environment. Here are a few myths that are prevalent in today’s world. Turbine Noise is a Health Hazard This is untrue as the development in wind farm technology has rendered

Thapar Group of Companies

Coal has been the number one resource for energy production in the world for quite some time now. A lot of industries are based around this one energy source, with a lot of industries, power plants and factories depending on it for their daily operations. Needless to say, the resource is irreplaceable because no other resource provides that much productivity consistently. However, the practice of sourcing coal has become one of the biggest industries in the world because of its tough environment and the amount of effort. The sourcing of coal requires intensive mining that has led to coal mines spread all over the world. Coal is an ancient source formed over millions of years under the surface of the Earth, therefore it is really hard to excavate it. That is why, a lot of different mining techniques are employed. Surface Mining The practice of surface mining is carried out by putting dynamite around the surface which is also known as the overburden. After it explodes and creates a hole